Thursday, November 7, 2013

Operation Getaway

One of these days I’m going to start writing on this blog and actually stick to it. I told myself that when I finally did create a blog I would try to write on it at least once a week. Clearly that has not been the case. I have realized that I only feel the NEED to write when I’m passionate about something. Usually about an event that happens or sometimes when I’m frustrated or angry. Most of the time, I still don’t publish what I write.

This is one occasion that I just HAVE to write about.

Operation Getaway!!!

Where do I even begin? I don’t think I can accurately put into words how much that weekend meant to me, or how much it meant to my relationship with Ian. 

Ian and I can’t stop talking about how much fun we had and I still have all those amazing women on my mind. We only spent about 48 hours together but I miss them!

We got to talk, get to know each other, and share our stories. For the first time since Ian and I have been together I got to sit down with not just one person, but several people who understand and can relate when I talk about personal care aides calling out at the last minute. They understand what it’s like to be super busy or too tired to help someone take a shower, get dressed, get into bed, etc… and still do it anyway because who else is going to do it? Who else could do it better? 

The best part about it was that these women chose to be with/stay with a man who uses a wheelchair to get around and might need a little help doing certain things. 

Just. Like. Me.

These ladies are totally, 100 percent, whole heartedly in love with their men, wheelchairs and all.

They GET it!!!

The Facebook group page that we’re all on is fantastic. It’s been a huge help to be able to get on there and read that people are going through and thinking the same things as me. However, it’s a completely different experience when you meet these people face to face. It’s different when you see them with their significant other.

This experience was amazing for Ian as well. He may not come out and say it quite like that, but I don’t think he’s had that much fun hanging out in a really long time.

This past year has been huge for him and I’m so proud of how far he’s come.

Since moving into our house (and not living with his parents), continuing school, and joining the Facebook group page (seeing that there are other people who have similar struggles as him), AND surfing this past summer, his confidence has skyrocketed!! 

Sure, he has crappy days when he doesn’t feel well or he’s dealing with severe nerve pain. Those are the days he hates everything about being in that chair. But he’s been so much more open about how he feels and I think because of that, those days are few and far between. 

This past weekend was great for him because he made new friends who can relate to everything he goes through. 

Those guys GET it too.

I love that us girls got together, talked and connected, but while that was happening, it seems that the guys kind of did the same.

They shared how they got injured or why they’re in a chair, how they transfer, drive, and different accessible recreational activities they enjoy. It was really cool to see!

While the men were hanging out doing guy stuff (watching football, snacking) on Saturday, us ladies went off to enjoy girlie stuff. We were treated to manicures and pedicures; we all got pretty fall colors, then enjoyed pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks and took pictures before heading back to the retreat and conference center.

                                      We went to dinner at a super fancy restaurant.

 On the way back Dana and I giggled and chatted in the back seat of our van while the two quads in the front tried to “navigate” to find a 7-eleven and our way back to where we were staying.

 So. Much. Fun.

When we got back we all went outside. Some made s’mores, some drank wine. Mike played his harmonica and Dana got embarrassed :-). At one point we all sang parts to bohemian rhapsody. 

Good times!

I feel like we all kind of bonded that night. I love that!

After we went inside us ladies continued drinking our wine. We got chatty and giggly and the guys just got bored I think. 

We stayed up and kept our guys up probably way too late, but that’s okay. They were good sports about it and we appreciated that!

It was way past due and well deserved. We had a blast!

Spending that time with those ladies was very special. I felt so connected to them. I think that even if we had met randomly and didn’t have this common bond, that I would still choose to be friends with them all. We all got along so well.

I remember when Ian and I first started dating and people would tell me that I was such a special person. I still hear it from time to time from friends and family. I get told how inspiring we both are and all that.

I’ve always known that I’m a nice person and how caring I can be, but I never felt THAT much different than anyone else.

I never understood what people meant about how loving, and caring, and special I supposedly am. I never got what the big fuss was about.

I mean, I know I can be sweet and all. Yes, I know that I’m in a committed relationship with a man in a wheelchair. I know that I’m his caregiver and that can sometimes require a lot of work.

Big whoop!

You can’t help who you fall in love with. I am deeply, deeply in love with my wheelchair using Boyfriend and I can assure you, MOST of the time I am the lucky one in this scenario.

I can be stubborn and pig headed. I whine and complain A LOT. I usually have to have things MY way and if I don’t, I usually get very upset about it. I am emotional and I cry quite a bit over silly things.

I’m no angel, people.

Ian deals with all my craziness and he loves me anyway. He’s the best!

The point I’m getting to is this: I hardly acknowledge my good side. I always think about what a handful I can be sometimes. I never understood what everyone meant about me until I met Dana, Sarah, Janice, Antonella, Amy, and Sib.

I saw myself in all of them. They are caring, strong, smart, beautiful, empathetic, and compassionate women. They are deeply in love with their Husbands and would do anything for them.

These are all qualities that I possess but maybe sometimes don’t realize it. 

We are kindred spirits. We are bonded. We are like Sisters.

So I miss them. I love them. And I can’t wait to get together and spend more time with them in the future.

I hope that Jackie (the incredible woman who put this all together) knows how much this meant to all of us. I hope she understands that this has touched all of our hearts and that we will never be able to thank her and the other ladies that helped out all weekend, enough.

I hope to be a part of events like this again. It was an absolutely AMAZING experience and I feel like a better person because of it!

                                   The beautiful scenery. Perfect all the way around.